Auto Insurance in and around Lexington
Auto owners of Lexington, State Farm has you covered
Put it into drive, wisely
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Your Auto Insurance Search Is Over
Everyday life often takes on a rather predictable routine. We drive to book clubs, social gatherings, work and baseball practice. We go from one thing to the next and back again, almost automatically… until the unexpected happens: things like falling objects, theft, flying objects, and more.
Auto owners of Lexington, State Farm has you covered
Put it into drive, wisely
Auto Coverage Options To Fit Your Needs
That’s why you need State Farm auto insurance. When the unexpected happens, State Farm is there to get you back to your usual routine! Agent Mark Hutson can walk you through the whole insurance process, step by step, to review State Farm's options for coverage and deductibles. You’ll get high-quality coverage for all your auto insurance needs.
State Farm agent Mark Hutson is here to help explain all of the options in further detail and work with you to set up a policy that is right for you. Get in touch with Mark Hutson's office today to explore your options.
Have More Questions About Auto Insurance?
Call Mark at (336) 357-2234 or visit our FAQ page.
Simple Insights®
What to know about ABS on motorcycles
What to know about ABS on motorcycles
Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) aren't just for cars. Find out how this braking technology can save you from losing control of your bike.
Things to consider when buying a car
Things to consider when buying a car
Trade-ins, payments, purchase price and down payments are all things to consider when buying a car. They can help you find the right car for your needs and wants.
Mark Hutson
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
What to know about ABS on motorcycles
What to know about ABS on motorcycles
Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) aren't just for cars. Find out how this braking technology can save you from losing control of your bike.
Things to consider when buying a car
Things to consider when buying a car
Trade-ins, payments, purchase price and down payments are all things to consider when buying a car. They can help you find the right car for your needs and wants.